Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The United States, the Laggard

In 1997, negotiations between the UK and the United States regarding greenhouse gas emissions helps explain why Europe views the United States as "the Laggard."

Over a decade ago, the United States and the UK agreed on the fact that significant reduction of greenhouse gases is completely possible. The nations even agreed that energy-efficient technologies would bring competitive energy markets, a healthier environment, and job opportunities.

Yet today, the United States has not reduced its green house gas emissions, continues to gobble up oil, and has not kept up with Europe's advances in alternative energy. Why?

Because the United States does not believe it can kick the oil habit and move on to a healthier energy system. Even in 1997, the United States felt this way, which shows the serious lack of dedication, and the appropriateness of being considered lagging.

Maybe it's not the United States' fault it can't be as bold as Europe. George Bush claims that significant adoption of alternative energies would damage the economy too severely, and put too much strain on a variety of different industries.

The question is, is the United States too addicted to oil? or is the nation too scared to move forward?


Interact Board said...

I wonder whether our reluctance to wean ourselves of oil is similar to the slavery issue in the 19th century--that it is not simply a matter of saying "what I am doing is wrong", but rather it involves a commitment to a complete lifestyle change. If the Civil War had not occurred, slavery would have persisted for much longer than the 1860s; so, short of a war, how can we instigate a similar shift to alternative energy?

Just some thoughts.

J. Li said...

Well, with the renewed interest in change that this election is bringing, maybe the United States will adopt a more European attitude towards alternative energy and actually implement some of the already available technology (like solar panels) on a larger scale.

Anonymous said... agree with you entirely, although i think it will be a long road until the USA manages to get to European levels of Green Consciousness. Even here in the UK, we are miles behind the Scandanavians , for example in Norway in 2006 they generated 108% of their power from renewable sources!-the UK only managed 4.6%, see the stats here:

Things are changing here however, many of our big energy companies in Scotland, England and Wales are beginning to offer schemes whereby households can power their homes with 100% reneable electricity, i.e.

Hopefully this will begin to happen in the USA-for all our sakes!